
    Agricultural Development

    Agricultural Development

    Crop Planning, Land Preparation, Planting, Crop Management and Harvesting

    The highest cost of any intensive livestock unit is always feed for the animals, and hence we encourage all our farmers to be as self-sufficient as possible and this will take good fodder crop planning and planting.
    We have experience in turning bushveld to workable and sustainable fodder producing units, so we go the extra mile, we plan the fodder that you would require for your unit, we assess your land, handle soil analysis and fertiliser requirements and we train your guys with regards to land preparation, planting, crop management and harvesting.
    We source your fertiliser from your nearest supplier, we make sure your seed is sufficient and we will set your planters, manage staff in lands and do what is necessary to get your crop farm, whether a fodder unit or just a grain or grass farm to the standard that you would desire.
    We have access to irrigation designs and layouts, so whether you are planning a dry land farm or an irrigated unit, we are the team for you.

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